Clearance Items

Showing all 3 results

  • BELCANTO Series (Thomastik)

    Strings have orange winding at peg end and ball end

    $33.00Achrome/steelball is brass with hole
    $35,00Dchrome/steelball is copper with hole
    Belcanto Gold
    $36.00Amulti alloy/steelball is brass with a hole in the middle
    40.00Dmulti alloy/steelball is copper with a hole in the middle
    135.00Cmultialloy/tungsten/spiral coreball is brass

    These strings are instantly identifiable as they are the only gold-colored strings.   We have limited stock remaining, and will not be reordering.

  • Cello Cradle 3/4 and 1/2 size

    Wood cello cradles for 3/4 and 1/2 size cellos with dimensions provided in the photo.  Interiors are velvet over padding with a hole in the bottom for the endpin.  These items are on clearance.

