Cello Parts

Showing 1–12 of 31 results

This category includes a variety of pegs, tailpieces and endpins for cello.

  • Bois d’Harmonie tailpiece

    French style tailpiece made from high-quality ebony, 235 mm long with integrated composite fine tuners.  Kevlar tail cord is available but not included because not everyone chooses this option.

  • Composite Fitting for 10mm Endpin (NHM)

    This New Harmony Music endpin fitting is composite with stainless steel and can be used with your existing 10 mm endpin, or you can purchase one of our options.   Keep in mind there are tolerances so a misfit (while rare) is possible.  You will need to know the diameter of the hole in your cello from the current fitting so you can choose either the Small 23.5 mm, Medium 25.5 mm, or Large 27.5 mm.   This is a traditional straight bore hole.  The 6-degree angled model is listed separately.

  • ConCarbo CF tailpiece with mini levers

    Another ConCarbo tailpiece option for cellists without Pegheds or other geared pegs is this “twill” French style model with mini levers.  The gallery photos show the back and side view of the tailpiece so you can appreciate how the string loads from the back for a clean look on the front, with less weight.  Since all our cellos have Pegheds, we don’t use this model here at the shop but do have it for sale.  The other styles of tailpiece besides French twill can be ordered with these fine tuners, we just don’t have them in stock at this time.

  • ConCarbo CF tailpiece with titanium adjusters

    If you don’t have Pegheds or other geared pegs, you will likely want a tailpiece with fine tuners.  ConCarbo makes two varieties, and each style is manufactured specifically for the type of tuner arms.  These are titanium hook style, and they are the easiest when changing strings because of their accessibility.  The tailpiece is made of carbon fiber in “twill” which shows the CF weave, and this French style is 235 mm in length.   The gallery shows side and back images with just the C arm and string.  While the tuning arms can be removed, the hardware for the tension adjusters is permanent.

  • ConCarbo French Style Twill

    ConCarbo carbon fiber tailpieces are new to Cellos2Go, and are just resting on a cello for these pictures!   This is the French style, in twill which displays the CF weave.  The model with no fine tuners (not pictured)  is the least expensive ($135) and if you have Pegheds installed or use gut strings, this would be a good choice.   The model with mini-lever fine tuners ($159) requires threading the top of the string through a hole in the back of the tailpiece, then up to the peg.  The model with titanium fine tuners ($199) provides front access for string installation.  For more information from the maker, visit their site here.

  • ConCarbo Harp style

    This Harp style is pictured in the Unidirectional CF and does not have fine tuners.  If you have Pegheds or other geared pegs, you don’t need additional tuners.  For regular friction pegs, you can order this model with Titanium or mini-lever fine tuners which are pictured on the ConCarbo French style entry on the site, and are priced differently.    These tailpieces are new here, and we don’t have all their options sitting here.  This model is also available in the Twill or Painted.  These items can be seen on the maker’s site for now.

  • ConCarbo Harp Style Twill

    This Harp style is pictured in glossy twill carbon fiber and does not have fine tuners. It is also available in black paint finish.  

    You can order fine tuners on this tailpiece, but they are not an add-on after purchase.  They are specifically drilled for the Titanium hook style ($70 for set of 4), or the black mini-lever style ($35 for the set of 4).


  • TekPin Conservatory Stainless Endpin

    TekPin’s unique vertical angle endpin is offered in multiple models.  The Conservatory features a black plastic fitting.  The endpin housing is stainless in both models, but you have the option of a harder carbide rod (darker metal in the top photo)  or matching stainless rod (shown in the bottom photo).   If you are likely to be playing in settings with concrete patios or similar material, carbide is the better option.   The vertical enpin allows for more freedom of movement — front to back as well as side to side — eliminating tension in your back.  More information is available at the maker’s website  http://tekpinusa.com

  • TekPin Professional Stainless Endpin

    TekPin Professional features the elegant rosewood fitting and combination of stainless with a carbide rod.   (Endpin mass is ~ 100 g)
    Please visit the maker’s site for the best explanation of this unique endpin and see it s vertical advantage in action.  http://tekpinusa.com

  • Stringvision Posture Pegs

    Posture Pegs from Stringvision afford freedom of movement by eliminating the protruding peg heads. Tuning is accomplished by means of a removable key with grip. The peg shank is a blackwood blank, tapering from 14mm at the collar to 12.5 mm at the small end, 6.3 cm in length.  It must be shaped and fit by a luthier to the existing peg hole.  Set of 2 pegs includes two shanks and two keys.  *The steel sleeve is 2 cm long, so if you want to use these pegs in a fractional cello, make sure the peg diameter is thick enough so as not to interfere.

  • Stringvision Posture Peg Replacement Key

    Replacement key for Posture Peg

  • Pegheds (offered here only in our cellos)

    PegHeds are the original geared pegs, and are made in Winnsboro, SC by Chuck Herin.  Once installed, all you need is a thumb and index finger to tune and the peg stays put.  When humid summer weather causes friction pegs to swell and stick, or dry winter air causes shrinking and slippage, Pegheds  will hold firmly.  Prices vary with wood variety and style.  Pegs must be ordered to fit your specific cello, or you may be able to have your own pegs retrofit in some instances.  Nearly every cello here has Pegheds installed, and we highly recommend them.  If you are wishing you could use a Posture Peg, please note the stubby C peg available, which is pictured in the product gallery.  We no longer sell sets of PegHeds here, but do have them installed in cellos we sell.  We love to promote and explain them.  Go to PegHeds official website to order.