Publisher: Kunzelmann

Showing 1–12 of 14 results

  • Adagio Volume 1 – Most Beautiful Slow Movements

    (GM 514a)    Arranged by Thomas-Mifune

    ALBINONI Adagio in Sol minore
    SCHUBERT Ave Maria
    CHOPIN Largo from Sonata op. 65
    TANEJEW Andante
    DE FALLA Asturiana, FAURE Apres un Reve
    CHOPIN Prelude op. 28

  • Adagio Volume 2 – Most Beautiful Slow Movements

    (GM 514b)  Edited by Thomas-Mifune
    Purcell Aria, Bach Air, Gounod/Bach Ave Maria, Wagner Traume, Bizet Blumenarie des Don Jose, Tchaikovsky Andante Cantabile, Saint Saens Air, Kreijn Lyrisches Fragment.

  • Albinoni Adagio in G minor; Rameau La Poule (4 cellos)

    Includes parts only, no score. Edited by Thomas-Mifune

  • BIS Encore for Violoncello

    Telemann Vivace from Fantasie
    JS Bach Prelude from Partita D major, Fugue in G minor
    Paganini Caprices Nos., 13, 14 & 19
    Piatti Caprice IV Op. 25
    Wieniawski Caprice Op. 18
    Popper Etude Op. 28
    Albeniz: Asturias (Leyenda)
    Escudero Bulerias (Flamenco)


  • Boismortier – 2 Sonatas for 4 Cellos

    Sonatas in A minor and D minor. Cellos I – III tenor clef, Cello IV bass clef. Parts, no score.

  • Boismortier Three Sonaten for 3 Cellos

    More advanced material with Cello I in treble and tenor, Cello II and III in tenor and bass clefs. Ornamentation. Parts, no score.   Edited by Thomas-Mifune.  [GM 1186]

  • Escudero – Bulerias (Flamenco) for 2 cellos

    GM1372 (Werner Thomas-Mifune)  Two booklets, each with both parts in score form.   Both parts move through bass and treble clef.

  • Grieg Holberg Suite (6 cellos)

    Includes parts, no score.  No real “beginner” material in this.
    Cellos I – II require advanced players who are comfortable in treble clef, thumb position, double stops.
    Cello III and IV has a blend of bass, tenor and treble clefs, not always warranted given the note range.  Could be disconcerting for players who are unable to fluidly move between clefs, or aren’t quick on changing double stops.
    Cello V is primarily in bass clef, the parts are more accessible but not for beginners.  There are occasional treble clef notation despite the fact they hover around a middle C.  Alternate notation would have been helpful.
    Cello VI bass clef, fewer and easier double stops, but the rhythms in “Air” are out of the range of many beginners.

  • Monn Cello Concerto

    Concerto in g minor

  • Spielereien – Trifles Vol. 2 for 4 cellos, 6 cellos

    (GM1134b)  Arranged by Thomas-Mifune. Includes parts, no score.

    For 4 cellos: de Stainlein Serenade

    For 6 cellos: Offenbach Harmonies du soir, Albeniz Sevilla, Thomas-Mifune Recitativ with Cello VII or contrabass
